Tag: advice

Practicing Gratitude

August 1, 2019

There has been some great research projects on the benefits of gratitude in our country as well as around the world. Keeping a journal of gratitude can increase your well being and life satisfaction.

Every day find something that you are grateful for and journal or just sit and think about it. It helps to be specific and write down things like “today my friend called me and told me how much they care about me and I’m really grateful for her/him”. This practice will help with your general outlook and mental health.

Here are some tips and ideas on how to incorporate gratitude into your life:

  • Tell people what you are grateful for.
  • Focus your gratitude on people instead of things
  • Write something down every day
  • Keep a gratitude log/or jar
  • Write a gratitude letter to someone who has had impact to you.
  • Share your grateful moments around the dinner table
  • Anticipate beauty and be grateful for it (it’s all around you)
  • Build a ritual around gratitude every day!


July 31, 2015

Summer is here and we all want to feel better as the weather is warm. Here are some practical ways to help modify your current diet and life choices:

  • Make sure that at least half of each meal is plant based
  • Consume a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. All of the different colors found in plants are derived from phytochemicals which may help prevent cancer.
  • Try exploring local farmers markets or consider signing up for Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) to enjoy locally grown and seasonal produce. Find some options near you at http://www.localharvest.org
  • Choose whole grain carbohydrates like whole grain breads, pasta, crackers and brown rice to help meet the recommended daily fiber intake of 25-38 grams per day. Use nutrition fact labels to help identify high-fiber foods by choosing carbohydrates with > 3 grams of dietary fiber per serving.
  • Incorporate plant sources of protein (like legumes, such as beans and lentils) into meals to reduce saturated fat intake.
  • Get out and walk. Work in your yard or garden. Get outside every day, even if its still cold. It’s good for the mind and body.
  • Limit non-work screen time to less than 2 hours a day.
  • Have a positive attitude. Attitude can affect your inflammatory levels in your blood.
  • Limit Alcoholic beverages

Hopefully this is helpful to you. Please comment with what you are going to do to the rest of the summer to stay healthy and happy!
